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Install with pyenv

pyenv install 3.11
pyenv global 3.11
pyenv install 3.11
pyenv global 3.11

You might want to install other versions too

Virtual Environments

It's often useful to create virtual environments for projects, so you don't install packages to the global environment.

Creating a virtualenv

Example of creating a venv named my-venv with python version 3.11

pyenv virtualenv 3.11 my-venv
pyenv virtualenv 3.11 my-venv

To use this virtualenv in your project, run the following in the project directory

pyenv local my-venv
pyenv local my-venv

This creates a .python-version file. The .bashrc file I use initializes pyenv-virtualenv to automatically activate the virtualenv when you cd into the project directory.

To see what venvs are currently created in the system, run

pyenv virtualenvs
pyenv virtualenvs

To delete a virtualenv, run

pyenv uninstall my-venv
pyenv uninstall my-venv