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Basic Tools

We will install a flurry of basic tools.

Refresh Mirror List

Here's a script to refresh the mirror list. Save it to ~/bin/updatemirrors

which rankmirrors
rm /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
curl -s "" | sed -e 's/^#Server/Server/' -e '/^#/d' | rankmirrors -n 10 - > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
which rankmirrors
rm /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
curl -s "" | sed -e 's/^#Server/Server/' -e '/^#/d' | rankmirrors -n 10 - > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Then make it executable

chmod +x ~/bin/updatemirrors
chmod +x ~/bin/updatemirrors

Run sudo updatemirrors to update the mirrors when needed


yay is an AUR helper that helps with installing stuff from AUR. Since yay is itself an AUR package, we will need to install it from source.

cd ~
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si # Run yay --version after this to confirm successful install
cd ..
rm -rf yay
cd ~
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si # Run yay --version after this to confirm successful install
cd ..
rm -rf yay


Unlike pacman, when using yay to install, you do not need to run it with sudo


We will install Rust as the first thing, so we can install some additional tools with cargo.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Enter 1 and hit Enter to install to the default locations

After install, load the environment with

source ~/.cargo/env
source ~/.cargo/env


Time to install more stuff with cargo. I will provide the configuration files later, so for now we can just install them.

cargo install exa bat cargo-info cargo-watch just du-dust ripgrep fd-find starship zoxide websocat
cargo install exa bat cargo-info cargo-watch just du-dust ripgrep fd-find starship zoxide websocat

Explanation of each package:

ezals but better
batcat with wings
cargo-infoCargo command for getting info about crates, and most usefully, feature flags
cargo-watchCargo command for running command in watch mode
justSimple command runner
du-dustReplacement for du
starshipShell prompt
zoxideDirectory jumper
ripgrepSearch tool (telescope.nvim requires it)
fd-findFile find tool (telescope.nvim requires it)
websocatWebsocket client CLI

Next Steps

Next we will install tools that require change to .bashrc, so we can install them all first and copy the .bashrc directly afterward.