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Boot Installer

Booting from the ISO

  1. Once again open Hyper-V Manager.
  2. Select your VM, and click Settings
  3. Select SCSI Controller on the left
  4. Add a DVD Drive
  5. Select Image file, and choose the location of the .iso image you just downloaded
  6. Click Apply
  7. Go to Firmware
  8. Make the boot order Hard Drive first, and DVD Drive second, and the rest in the bottom
  9. Click OK to close the settings
  10. Start your VM and click Connect
  11. You should see the boot menu


If you don't see anything, double check that you have Secure Boot disabled

  1. Select Arch Linux install medium (x86_64, UEFI), should be the first option
  2. Wait until you see the command prompt like
root@archiso ~ #
root@archiso ~ #

Verify internet connection

  1. Run ip address
  2. You should see an local address starting with 192.168 indicating that your VM is connected to your local network. If not, you might need to change the network adapter the external virtual switch is connecting to.
  3. Run ping to verify connection
  4. Ctrl-C to stop pinging

Setup SSH

  1. Run passwd to set the root password


This will not be the root password for the OS you are installing. This is the root password for the live environment. Type something simple like change so you can type it quickly.

  1. Inside Powershell, ssh to the VM. Replace <ip-address> with the IP address you got from ip address
ssh root@<ip-address>
ssh root@<ip-address>
  1. Enter the password you just set
  2. You should now see the same prompt